Click Here for Current Freedom Flotilla site. This is the 2017 site.

Lettre ouverte au Secrétaire Général de l’ONU António Guterres

{:en}To: António Guterres, Secretary-General United Nations United Nations New York October 4, 2017 Dear Secretary General, On your recent visit to Gaza, you saw with your own eyes...

La Flottille de la Liberté va remettre les voiles, pour la liberté de mouvement...

{:en}In 2018, the Freedom Flotilla Coalition will sail once more against the illegal Israeli blockade of Gaza, for freedom of movement and the...

Jury for the English language “Keys to the Future of Palestine” Literary Contest

{:en}We are pleased to announce that the first Freedom Flotilla Coalition Literary Competition "Keys to the Future of Palestine" has now closed. We...

Our souls are in our motors

{:en}By Omnia Ghassan, in Gaza. This article is from our partners at We Are Not Numbers. Solidarity with Gaza fishers is proud to introduce an ongoing series...

Gaza fishing zone expanded to nine nautical miles in some areas (from

{:en}May 14, 2017. On May 3, 2017, Israel expanded the fishing zone from six to nine nautical miles. The expansion applies only to...


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